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pacprotocol-cli debug "category"

debug "category" Change debug category on the fly. Specify single category or use '+' to specify many. The valid debug categories are: net, tor, mempool, http, bench, zmq, db, rpc, estimatefee, addrman, selectcoins, reindex, cmpctblock, rand, prune, proxy, mempoolrej, libevent, coindb, qt, leveldb, chainlocks, gobject, instantsend, keepass, llmq, llmq-dkg, llmq-sigs, mnpayments, mnsync, coinjoin, spork, netconn. libevent logging is configured on startup and cannot be modified by this RPC during runtime. There are also a few meta-categories:

  • "all", "1" and "" activate all categories at once;
  • "pacprotocol" activates all PAC Protocol-specific categories at once;
  • "none" (or "0") deactivates all categories at once. Note: If specified category doesn't match any of the above, no error is thrown.

If specified category doesn't match any of the above, no error is thrown.


category *#

(string, required)

The name of the debug category to turn on.


pacprotocol-cli debug pacprotocol
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "debug", "params": [pacprotocol+net] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


result #(string) "Debug mode: " followed by the specified category.

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help debug

Will produce following output:

debug "category"
Change debug category on the fly. Specify single category or use '+' to specify many.
The valid debug categories are: net, tor, mempool, http, bench, zmq, db, rpc, estimatefee, addrman, selectcoins, reindex, cmpctblock, rand, prune, proxy, mempoolrej, libevent, coindb, qt, leveldb, chainlocks, gobject, instantsend, keepass, llmq, llmq-dkg, llmq-sigs, mnpayments, mnsync, coinjoin, spork, netconn.
libevent logging is configured on startup and cannot be modified by this RPC during runtime.
There are also a few meta-categories:
- "all", "1" and "" activate all categories at once;
- "pacprotocol" activates all PAC Protocol-specific categories at once;
- "none" (or "0") deactivates all categories at once.
Note: If specified category doesn't match any of the above, no error is thrown.
1. "category" (string, required) The name of the debug category to turn on.
result (string) "Debug mode: " followed by the specified category.
> pacprotocol-cli debug pacprotocol
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "debug", "params": [pacprotocol+net] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'