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pacprotocol-cli gobject "command" ...

gobject "command" ... Set of commands to manage governance objects.

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help gobject

Will produce following output:

gobject "command" ...
Set of commands to manage governance objects.
Available commands:
check - Validate governance object data (proposal only)
prepare - Prepare governance object by signing and creating tx
list-prepared - Returns a list of governance objects prepared by this wallet with "gobject prepare"
submit - Submit governance object to network
deserialize - Deserialize governance object from hex string to JSON
count - Count governance objects and votes (additional param: 'json' or 'all', default: 'json')
get - Get governance object by hash
getcurrentvotes - Get only current (tallying) votes for a governance object hash (does not include old votes)
list - List governance objects (can be filtered by signal and/or object type)
diff - List differences since last diff
vote-alias - Vote on a governance object by masternode proTxHash
vote-conf - Vote on a governance object by masternode configured in pacprotocol.conf
vote-many - Vote on a governance object by all masternodes for which the voting key is in the wallet