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pacprotocol-cli masternodelist ( "mode" "filter" )

masternodelist ( "mode" "filter" ) Get a list of masternodes in different modes. This call is identical to 'masternode list' call.



(string, optional/required to use filter, defaults = json)

The mode to run list in


(string, optional)

Filter results. Partial match by outpoint by default in all modes, additional matches in some modes are also available

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help masternodelist

Will produce following output:

masternodelist ( "mode" "filter" )
Get a list of masternodes in different modes. This call is identical to 'masternode list' call.
1. "mode" (string, optional/required to use filter, defaults = json) The mode to run list in
2. "filter" (string, optional) Filter results. Partial match by outpoint by default in all modes,
additional matches in some modes are also available
Available modes:
addr - Print ip address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered, partial match)
full - Print info in format 'status payee lastpaidtime lastpaidblock IP'
(can be additionally filtered, partial match)
info - Print info in format 'status payee IP'
(can be additionally filtered, partial match)
json - Print info in JSON format (can be additionally filtered, partial match)
lastpaidblock - Print the last block height a node was paid on the network
lastpaidtime - Print the last time a node was paid on the network
nextpaymentblock - Print the projected block height a node will likely be paid on the network
owneraddress - Print the masternode owner PAC address
payee - Print the masternode payout PAC address (can be additionally filtered,
partial match)
pubKeyOperator - Print the masternode operator public key
status - Print masternode status: ENABLED / POSE_BANNED
(can be additionally filtered, partial match)
votingaddress - Print the masternode voting PAC address