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pacprotocol-cli getchaintips ( count branchlen )

getchaintips ( count branchlen ) Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.



(numeric, optional)

only show this much of latest tips


(numeric, optional)

only show tips that have equal or greater length of branch


pacprotocol-cli getchaintips
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getchaintips", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


"height": xxxx, #(numeric) height of the chain tip
"hash": "xxxx", #(string) block hash of the tip
"difficulty" :, #(numeric) The difficulty
"chainwork" : "0000...1f3" #(string) Expected number of hashes required to produce the current chain #(in hex)
"branchlen": 0 #(numeric) zero for main chain
"forkpoint": "xxxx", #(string) same as "hash" for the main chain
"status": "active" #(string) "active" for the main chain
"height": xxxx,
"hash": "xxxx",
"difficulty" :,
"chainwork" : "0000...1f3"
"branchlen": 1 #(numeric) length of branch connecting the tip to the main chain
"forkpoint": "xxxx", #(string) block hash of the last common block between this tip and the main chain
"status": "xxxx" #(string) status of the chain #(active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)
Possible values for status:
1. "invalid" This branch contains at least one invalid block
2. "headers-only" Not all blocks for this branch are available, but the headers are valid
3. "valid-headers" All blocks are available for this branch, but they were never fully validated
4. "valid-fork" This branch is not part of the active chain, but is fully validated
5. "active" This is the tip of the active main chain, which is certainly valid

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help getchaintips

Will produce following output:

getchaintips ( count branchlen )
Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.
1. count (numeric, optional) only show this much of latest tips
2. branchlen (numeric, optional) only show tips that have equal or greater length of branch
"height": xxxx, (numeric) height of the chain tip
"hash": "xxxx", (string) block hash of the tip
"difficulty" :, (numeric) The difficulty
"chainwork" : "0000...1f3" (string) Expected number of hashes required to produce the current chain (in hex)
"branchlen": 0 (numeric) zero for main chain
"forkpoint": "xxxx", (string) same as "hash" for the main chain
"status": "active" (string) "active" for the main chain
"height": xxxx,
"hash": "xxxx",
"difficulty" :,
"chainwork" : "0000...1f3"
"branchlen": 1 (numeric) length of branch connecting the tip to the main chain
"forkpoint": "xxxx", (string) block hash of the last common block between this tip and the main chain
"status": "xxxx" (string) status of the chain (active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)
Possible values for status:
1. "invalid" This branch contains at least one invalid block
2. "headers-only" Not all blocks for this branch are available, but the headers are valid
3. "valid-headers" All blocks are available for this branch, but they were never fully validated
4. "valid-fork" This branch is not part of the active chain, but is fully validated
5. "active" This is the tip of the active main chain, which is certainly valid
> pacprotocol-cli getchaintips
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getchaintips", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'