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pacprotocol-cli getcoinjoininfo

getcoinjoininfo Returns an object containing an information about CoinJoin settings and state.


pacprotocol-cli getcoinjoininfo
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getcoinjoininfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


Result #(for regular nodes):
"enabled": true|false, #(bool) Whether mixing functionality is enabled
"multisession": true|false, #(bool) Whether CoinJoin Multisession option is enabled
"max_sessions": xxx, #(numeric) How many parallel mixing sessions can there be at once
"max_rounds": xxx, #(numeric) How many rounds to mix
"max_amount": xxx, #(numeric) Target CoinJoin balance in PAC
"denoms_goal": xxx, #(numeric) How many inputs of each denominated amount to target
"denoms_hardcap": xxx, #(numeric) Maximum limit of how many inputs of each denominated amount to create
"queue_size": xxx, #(numeric) How many queues there are currently on the network
"running": true|false, #(bool) Whether mixing is currently running
"sessions": #(array of json objects)
"protxhash": "...", #(string) The ProTxHash of the masternode
"outpoint": "txid-index", #(string) The outpoint of the masternode
"service": "host:port", #(string) The IP address and port of the masternode
"denomination": xxx, #(numeric) The denomination of the mixing session in PAC
"state": "...", #(string) Current state of the mixing session
"entries_count": xxx, #(numeric) The number of entries in the mixing session
"keys_left": xxx, #(numeric) How many new keys are left since last automatic backup
"warnings": "..." #(string) Warnings if any
Result #(for masternodes):
"queue_size": xxx, #(numeric) How many queues there are currently on the network
"denomination": xxx, #(numeric) The denomination of the mixing session in PAC
"state": "...", #(string) Current state of the mixing session
"entries_count": xxx, #(numeric) The number of entries in the mixing session

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help getcoinjoininfo

Will produce following output:

Returns an object containing an information about CoinJoin settings and state.
Result (for regular nodes):
"enabled": true|false, (bool) Whether mixing functionality is enabled
"multisession": true|false, (bool) Whether CoinJoin Multisession option is enabled
"max_sessions": xxx, (numeric) How many parallel mixing sessions can there be at once
"max_rounds": xxx, (numeric) How many rounds to mix
"max_amount": xxx, (numeric) Target CoinJoin balance in PAC
"denoms_goal": xxx, (numeric) How many inputs of each denominated amount to target
"denoms_hardcap": xxx, (numeric) Maximum limit of how many inputs of each denominated amount to create
"queue_size": xxx, (numeric) How many queues there are currently on the network
"running": true|false, (bool) Whether mixing is currently running
"sessions": (array of json objects)
"protxhash": "...", (string) The ProTxHash of the masternode
"outpoint": "txid-index", (string) The outpoint of the masternode
"service": "host:port", (string) The IP address and port of the masternode
"denomination": xxx, (numeric) The denomination of the mixing session in PAC
"state": "...", (string) Current state of the mixing session
"entries_count": xxx, (numeric) The number of entries in the mixing session
"keys_left": xxx, (numeric) How many new keys are left since last automatic backup
"warnings": "..." (string) Warnings if any
Result (for masternodes):
"queue_size": xxx, (numeric) How many queues there are currently on the network
"denomination": xxx, (numeric) The denomination of the mixing session in PAC
"state": "...", (string) Current state of the mixing session
"entries_count": xxx, (numeric) The number of entries in the mixing session
> pacprotocol-cli getcoinjoininfo
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getcoinjoininfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'