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pacprotocol-cli quorum "command" ...

quorum "command" ... Set of commands for quorums/LLMQs. To get help on individual commands, use "help quorum command".


command *#

(string, required)

The command to execute

Running following help command

pacprotocol-cli help quorum

Will produce following output:

quorum "command" ...
Set of commands for quorums/LLMQs.
To get help on individual commands, use "help quorum command".
1. "command" (string, required) The command to execute
Available commands:
list - List of on-chain quorums
info - Return information about a quorum
dkgsimerror - Simulates DKG errors and malicious behavior
dkgstatus - Return the status of the current DKG process
memberof - Checks which quorums the given masternode is a member of
sign - Threshold-sign a message
verify - Test if a quorum signature is valid for a request id and a message hash
hasrecsig - Test if a valid recovered signature is present
getrecsig - Get a recovered signature
isconflicting - Test if a conflict exists
selectquorum - Return the quorum that would/should sign a request
getdata - Request quorum data from other masternodes in the quorum