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Install Bootstrap (Optional)

Downloading & Installing Bootstrap can help you to sync it faster. It can also help in situation if the blockchain is not syncing on your machine.

This is optional and not mandatory.

At first stop your daemon instance by

systemctl stop pac.service

If you skipped the Step 3 from Getting Started, you can run daemon by following step:

./root/PACProtocol/pacprotocol-cli stop # Only when skipped Step 3

Remove some content in .PACProtocol, download Bootstrap and move content of Bootstrap to .PACProtocol

# Download Bootstrap & Unpack it
wget -O /root/Bootstrap.tar.gz
tar -xzf /root/Bootstrap.tar.gz -C /root/Bootstrap
# Remove blockchain files + Bootstrap.tar.gz
rm -rf /root/.PACProtocol/evodb /root/.PACProtocol/chainstate /root/.PACProtocol/blocks /root/.PACProtocol/peers.dat /root/Boostrap.tar.gz
# Move Bootstrap files to .PACProtocol
mv /root/Bootstrap/evodb /root/.PACProtocol/evodb
mv /root/Bootstrap/chainstate /root/.PACProtocol/chainstate
mv /root/Bootstrap/blocks /root/.PACProtocol/blocks
mv /root/Bootstrap/peers.dat /root/.PACProtocol/peers.dat

Then you can safetly turn PAC Protocol Daemon on again:

systemctl start pac.service

Or if skipped Step 3 from Getting Started:

./root/PACProtocol/pacprotocold -daemon # Only when skipped Step 3

In this case, it will sync much quicklier. It should be done in few minutes.

You can validate if the blockchain is fully synced:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltext","method":"mnsync","params":["status"]}' -H 'content-type:text/plain;' http://<rpcusername>:<rpcpassword>@

If "isBlockchainSynced" is true, it means the blockchain on your machine is fully synced!